Material Donations
Furniture, Fixtures, and more!
Donate items to the Habitat ReStore. With your help, the Restore keeps many usable items out landfills and put back to good use. When your donated items are sold, the proceeds help Door County Habitat for Humanity create safe, stable, and affordable home ownership and home repair. Each donation and purchase helps change lives.
The ReStore accepts many items including new and used furniture, appliances, cabinets, doors, windows, sinks, light fixtures, and so much more.
Door County ReStore:
920-743-2869 (ext 104)
Construction or DeConstruction material
If you are doing a remodel or building a new home, your material donations to the ReStore can help reduce your demolition costs, landfill costs, reuse material in the community and benefit a future homeowner or home repair.
Every door opens a new opportunity.
Contact the Habitat ReStore to see if our deconstruction crews can help you, help Habitat.
Door County ReStore:
920-743-2869 (ext 104)
Habitat Material Wish List
Build Site/Home Repair
Hand Wipes
Paper plates/napkins/silverware
Large contractor trash bags
Grocery Store gift cards for lunches
Cleaning Supplies
Bottled Water/Sports Drinks
Habitat Office
Buildable lots in Door County
Printer paper
Printing services
Laptop computers
Habitat ReStore
Cleaning Supplies
Pick-up Truck: for picking up donations